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Environmental Management System

E 2.0 Troy (UK) Ltd Statement of Environmental Policy and Authority


Troy (UK) Ltd incorporating Exeter, Rotherham and Barnstaple sites fully commit to its responsibilities to achieve an effective environmental management system as a fundamental part of our business, displaying continual improvement of environmental performance by:


  • Complying with the legal requirements of environmental legislation and regulations.

  • Mitigating the potential adverse effect of environmental conditions on the organisations business operations.

  • Actively promoting recycling internally to staff and externally to our customers and suppliers.

  • Conserving natural resources through increased energy efficiency and water management.

  • Managing waste by encouraging the use of recycling whilst avoiding the use of hazardous substances.

  • Instigating a Travel Management programme reducing the company’s carbon footprint through energy efficient company cars and by maximising communications technology.

  • Making our Environmental Policy publicly available to interested parties.

  • Committing to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other aspects relevant to the context of the organisation as a result of fulfilling it’s compliance obligations.

  • Committing to the continual improvement of the Environmental Management System, enhancing environmental performance.

  • Commitment to protection from pollution by managing waste and engaging in energy efficiency.


To demonstrate our commitment to this policy we continue:

  • To seek to improve environmental performance through effective KPI measurements.

  • To ensure that employees are aware of the Company Environmental Policy and motivated to apply it through necessary training and support.


To continue to be ISO 14001 2015 accredited to help improve and measure our environmental performance.


Gemma McRae
Troy Group Operations Director

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